Welcome To
The City Church.

We can't wait to see you!

Church Venue Update 

We're Moving! 

Our church is in a season of transition, and we’re currently in the process of securing a new venue. Here are the details for our Sunday Gathering:

We invite you to join us at Grey Street Primary School Hall at 30-44 Grey Street, Traralgon at 11am - Just look for the flags.

Stay connected for updates by checking this page or following us on Instagram or Facebook at the links on the bottom of this page. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at 0492 977 847.

We can’t wait to worship with you soon!

You Are Invited!


11AM Sunday


Grey Street Primary School Hall


30-44 Grey Street, Traralgon









Message From Our Pastor

We are so glad you are here and would love to invite you to come and join us at The City Church for our Sunday Service. Everyone is welcome and we encourage you to come as you are. It doesn’t matter where you are in your faith journey, if you are unsure about it all, still searching or are all in, we would love to host you.

Ps Meagan & Johno

Connecting With
Our Community


TCC’s Youth Ministry

Tabitha’s Closet Van

Community clothing initiative


Explore faith, life and meaning

Church In The City

What if the church wasn’t a building? What if church was in fact members of the community, meeting in the heart of our city.

We are currently meeting at Grey Street Primary School Hall

Upcoming Events.

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