Do you have questions about Faith, Life & Meaning?

Explore the answers at an Alpha Course

Explore Life’s Questions Together

Here at The City Church we live out the motto that “life is better together“. We believe that the same is true when you are embarking on your faith journey.

Do you have questions about the Christian faith or your life’s meaning?
Well you are not alone, we have all been where you are right now. The great news is that those questions don’t need to remain unanswered!

Frequently Asked Questions

Alpha is a 10-week interactive course that creates a space for people, like yourself, to participate in conversations about faith, life and God. These group sessions explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”

Alpha is our gift to you, completely free of charge! What could be better than having your faith questions answered? A free meal of course! We know that some of the best discussions take place over a meal which is why we provide delicious food completely free of charge.
The next course is to be confirmed but please register your interest below.

@TCC HUB (107 Traralgon-Maffra Road, Traralgon Vic)

Please fill in the form below to register your interest.
If you have already done Alpha then you will know first hand the impact that this course can have. There is a good chance that you didn’t just stumble upon the Alpha course and that someone in your past had the courage to invite you to check it out.

Our challenge to you is to think about your friends, neighbours and work colleagues and think about who you can invite to this life transforming course?

It may be helpful to offer to come with them!

Get Involved

We would regret for you to miss out, so please simply fill in the form below to reserve your place on the next Alpha course, and one of our team will get in touch with further details.